Google Cloud Marketplace CLI

This document provides instructions for installing Portworx with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)from Google Cloud Marketplace using CLI.


Before installing Portworx Enterprise, ensure that you meet the following prerequsites:

  • Environment requirements:
    • Image type: Only GKE clusters provisioned on Ubuntu Node Images support Portworx. You must specify the Ubuntu node image when you create clusters.
    • Resource requirements:
      • A GCP GKE cluster that meets the prerequisites.
      • Machine type: n1-standard-4 (4 vCPUs and 4 GB memory)
      • For production environments, Portworx recommends 3 Availability Zones (AZs) with one node per zone
      • Portworx recommends creating a zonal cluster. For instructions on creating a cluster, refer to the GCP documentation.
  • Permissions: Portworx requires access to the Google Cloud APIs to provision & manage disks. Make sure that the user or service account creating the GKE cluster has the following roles:
    • Compute Admin
    • Service Account User
    • Kubernetes Engine Cluster Viewer

Create a GKE cluster with required permissions

Portworx requires permissions to create GCE persistent disks (PDs) using the compute APIs. Also, the GCP marketplace requires that the clusters have read permissions for storage APIs. These permissions can be added to the node pools from the UI when creating the GKE cluster. If using gcloud you can use the following command to create a cluster with the correct permissions:

gcloud container clusters create portworx-gke \
    --zone us-east1-b \
    --disk-type=pd-ssd \
    --disk-size=50GB \
    --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
    --num-nodes=3 \
    --image-type ubuntu \
    --scopes compute-rw,storage-ro 

Install Portworx

Follow the steps in this section to deploy Portworx.

Generate a license key

You must generate a license key from the GCP portal and create a Kubernetes Secret that can be used to report billing information to the GCP marketplace.

  1. Navigate to the GCP Marketplace
  2. Use the search bar at the top of the Marketplace console to search for Portworx. A list of all Portworx offerings will appear. Select your desired offering.
  3. From the selected offering catalog, select CONFIGURE.

  4. On the configuration page, select DEPLOY VIA COMMAND LINE.

  5. Choose a service account you want to associate with the billing and select DOWNLOAD LICENSE KEY to download your license key file.

  6. Apply the GCP Marketplace license key to your GKE cluster and specify the appropriate namespace where Portworx will run:

    kubectl apply -f license.yaml -n

Once you’ve created and applied the GCP Marketplace license key to your GKE cluster, you’re ready to deploy Portworx.

Generate the specs

To install Portworx with Kubernetes, you must generate Kubernetes manifests that you will deploy in your cluster.

Navigate to PX-Central and log in, or create an account, then follow the process to generate a spec.

Deploy the Operator

To deploy the Operator, run the command that PX-Central provided, which looks similar to the following:

kubectl apply -f '<version-number>?comp=pxoperator'
serviceaccount/portworx-operator created
podsecuritypolicy.policy/px-operator created created created
deployment.apps/portworx-operator created

Apply the StorageCluster

  1. Download the StorageCluster spec you generated from PX-Central.
  2. Add the following environment variables to your StorageCluster:

        value: <reporting-secret-name>
        value: <portworx-namespace>
    - name: PRODUCT_PLAN_ID 
        value: <offering-type>

    Choose one of the following options for PRODUCT_PLAN_ID:

    • PX-ENTERPRISE: Portworx Enterprise License for VM only nodes

    • PX-ENTERPRISE-DR: Portworx Enterprise license with Disaster Recovery feature for VM only nodes

    • PX-ENTERPRISE-BAREMETAL: Portworx Enterprise license for both VM and Bare metal hosts

    • PX-ENTERPRISE-DR-BAREMETAL: Portworx Enterprise license with Disaster Recovery feature for both VM and bare metal hosts

  3. Apply the modified spec:

    kubectl apply -f <px-spec-file.yaml> created

Verify your Portworx installation

Once you’ve installed Portworx, you can perform the following tasks to verify that Portworx has installed correctly.

Verify if all pods are running

Enter the following kubectl get pods command to list and filter the results for Portworx pods:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide | grep -e portworx -e px
portworx-api-774c2                                      1/1     Running   0                2m55s   username-k8s1-node0    <none>           <none>
portworx-api-t4lf9                                      1/1     Running   0                2m55s    username-k8s1-node1    <none>           <none>
portworx-api-dvw64                                      1/1     Running   0                2m55s    username-k8s1-node2    <none>           <none>
portworx-kvdb-94bpk                                     1/1     Running   0                4s   username-k8s1-node0    <none>           <none>
portworx-kvdb-8b67l                                     1/1     Running   0                10s   username-k8s1-node1    <none>           <none>
portworx-kvdb-fj72p                                     1/1     Running   0                30s   username-k8s1-node2    <none>           <none>
portworx-operator-58967ddd6d-kmz6c                      1/1     Running   0                4m1s       username-k8s1-node0    <none>           <none>
prometheus-px-prometheus-0                              2/2     Running   0                2m41s      username-k8s1-node0    <none>           <none>
px-cluster-1c3edc42-4541-48fc-b173-3e9bf3cd834d-9gs79   2/2     Running   0                2m55s   username-k8s1-node0    <none>           <none>
px-cluster-1c3edc42-4541-48fc-b173-3e9bf3cd834d-vpptx   2/2     Running   0                2m55s    username-k8s1-node1    <none>           <none>
px-cluster-1c3edc42-4541-48fc-b173-3e9bf3cd834d-bxmpn   2/2     Running   0                2m55s   username-k8s1-node2    <none>           <none>
px-csi-ext-868fcb9fc6-54bmc                             4/4     Running   0                3m5s      username-k8s1-node0    <none>           <none>
px-csi-ext-868fcb9fc6-8tk79                             4/4     Running   0                3m5s      username-k8s1-node2    <none>           <none>
px-csi-ext-868fcb9fc6-vbqzk                             4/4     Running   0                3m5s      username-k8s1-node1    <none>           <none>
px-prometheus-operator-59b98b5897-9nwfv                 1/1     Running   0                3m3s      username-k8s1-node0    <none>           <none>

Note the name of one of your px-cluster pods. You’ll run pxctl commands from these pods in following steps.

Verify Portworx cluster status

You can find the status of the Portworx cluster by running pxctl status commands from a pod. Enter the following kubectl exec command, specifying the pod name you retrieved in the previous section:

kubectl exec <pod-name> -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl status
Defaulted container "portworx" out of: portworx, csi-node-driver-registrar
Status: PX is operational
Telemetry: Disabled or Unhealthy
Metering: Disabled or Unhealthy
License: Trial (expires in 31 days)
Node ID: 788bf810-57c4-4df1-9a5a-70c31d0f478e
        Local Storage Pool: 1 pool
        0       HIGH            raid0           3.0 TiB 10 GiB  Online  default default
        Local Storage Devices: 3 devices
        Device  Path            Media Type              Size            Last-Scan
        0:1     /dev/vdb        STORAGE_MEDIUM_MAGNETIC 1.0 TiB         14 Jul 22 22:03 UTC
        0:2     /dev/vdc        STORAGE_MEDIUM_MAGNETIC 1.0 TiB         14 Jul 22 22:03 UTC
        0:3     /dev/vdd        STORAGE_MEDIUM_MAGNETIC 1.0 TiB         14 Jul 22 22:03 UTC
        * Internal kvdb on this node is sharing this storage device /dev/vdc  to store its data.
        total           -       3.0 TiB
        Cache Devices:
         * No cache devices
Cluster Summary
        Cluster ID: px-cluster-1c3edc42-4541-48fc-b173-3e9bf3cd834d
        Cluster UUID: 33a82fe9-d93b-435b-943e-6f3fd5522eae
        Scheduler: kubernetes
        Nodes: 3 node(s) with storage (3 online)
        IP              ID                                      SchedulerNodeName       Auth            StorageNode     Used    Capacity        Status  StorageStatus       Version         Kernel                  OS f6d87392-81f4-459a-b3d4-fad8c65b8edc    username-k8s1-node0      Disabled        Yes             10 GiB  3.0 TiB         Online  Up 2.11.0-81faacc   3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64  CentOS Linux 7 (Core)  788bf810-57c4-4df1-9a5a-70c31d0f478e    username-k8s1-node1      Disabled        Yes             10 GiB  3.0 TiB         Online  Up (This node)      2.11.0-81faacc  3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64  CentOS Linux 7 (Core) a8c76018-43d7-4a58-3d7b-19d45b4c541a    username-k8s1-node2      Disabled        Yes             10 GiB  3.0 TiB         Online  Up  2.11.0-81faacc  3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64  CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Global Storage Pool        
        Total Used      :  30 GiB
        Total Capacity  :  9.0 TiB

The Portworx status will display PX is operational if your cluster is running as intended.

Verify pxctl cluster provision status

  • Find the storage cluster, the status should show as Online:

    kubectl -n kube-system get storagecluster
    NAME                                              CLUSTER UUID                           STATUS   VERSION   AGE
    px-cluster-1c3edc42-4541-48fc-b173-3e9bf3cd834d   33a82fe9-d93b-435b-943e-6f3fd5522eae   Online   2.11.0    10m
  • Find the storage nodes, the statuses should show as Online:

    kubectl -n kube-system get storagenodes
    NAME                  ID                                     STATUS   VERSION          AGE
    username-k8s1-node0   f6d87392-81f4-459a-b3d4-fad8c65b8edc   Online   2.11.0-81faacc   11m
    username-k8s1-node1   788bf810-57c4-4df1-9a5a-70c31d0f478e   Online   2.11.0-81faacc   11m
    username-k8s1-node2   a8c76018-43d7-4a58-3d7b-19d45b4c541a   Online   2.11.0-81faacc   11m
  • Verify the Portworx cluster provision status. Enter the following kubectl exec command, specifying the pod name you retrieved in the previous section:

    kubectl exec <pod-name> -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl cluster provision-status
    Defaulted container "portworx" out of: portworx, csi-node-driver-registrar
    NODE                                    NODE STATUS     POOL                                            POOL STATUS     IO_PRIORITY     SIZE    AVAILABLE  USED     PROVISIONED     ZONE    REGION  RACK
    788bf810-57c4-4df1-9a5a-70c31d0f478e    Up              0 ( 96e7ff01-fcff-4715-b61b-4d74ecc7e159 )      Online          HIGH            3.0 TiB 3.0 TiB    10 GiB   0 B             default default default
    f6d87392-81f4-459a-b3d4-fad8c65b8edc    Up              0 ( e06386e7-b769-4ce0-b674-97e4359e57c0 )      Online          HIGH            3.0 TiB 3.0 TiB    10 GiB   0 B             default default default
    a8c76018-43d7-4a58-3d7b-19d45b4c541a    Up              0 ( a2e0af91-bb02-1574-611b-8904cab0e019 )      Online          HIGH            3.0 TiB 3.0 TiB    10 GiB   0 B             default default default

Create your first PVC

For your apps to use persistent volumes powered by Portworx, you must use a StorageClass that references Portworx as the provisioner. Portworx includes a number of default StorageClasses, which you can reference with PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) you create. For a more general overview of how storage works within Kubernetes, refer to the Persistent Volumes section of the Kubernetes documentation.

Perform the following steps to create a PVC:

  1. Create a PVC referencing the px-csi-db default StorageClass and save the file:

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
        name: px-check-pvc
        storageClassName: px-csi-db
            - ReadWriteOnce
                storage: 2Gi
  2. Run the kubectl apply command to create a PVC:

    kubectl apply -f <your-pvc-name>.yaml
    persistentvolumeclaim/example-pvc created

Verify your StorageClass and PVC

  1. Enter the kubectl get storageclass command:

    kubectl get storageclass
    px-csi-db                                  Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-csi-db-cloud-snapshot                   Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-csi-db-cloud-snapshot-encrypted                Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-csi-db-encrypted                        Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-csi-db-local-snapshot                   Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-csi-db-local-snapshot-encrypted                Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-csi-replicated                          Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-csi-replicated-encrypted                Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-db                         Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-db-cloud-snapshot          Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-db-cloud-snapshot-encrypted   Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-db-encrypted               Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-db-local-snapshot          Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-db-local-snapshot-encrypted   Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-replicated                 Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    px-replicated-encrypted       Delete          Immediate           true                   43d
    stork-snapshot-sc                    stork-snapshot                  Delete          Immediate           true                   43d

    kubectl returns details about the StorageClasses available to you. Verify that px-csi-db appears in the list.

  2. Enter the kubectl get pvc command. If this is the only StorageClass and PVC that you’ve created, you should see only one entry in the output:

    kubectl get pvc <your-pvc-name>
    NAME          STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS           AGE
    example-pvc   Bound    pvc-dce346e8-ff02-4dfb-935c-2377767c8ce0   2Gi        RWO            example-storageclass   3m7s

    kubectl returns details about your PVC if it was created correctly. Verify that the configuration details appear as you intended.

Last edited: Tuesday, May 9, 2023