CSI topology for FlashArray Direct Access volumes and FlashBlade Direct Access filesystems

NOTE: The CSI topology feature is available only for FlashArray Direct Access volumes and FlashBlade Direct Access filesystems. It cannot be used with FlashArray cloud drives or with other Portworx volumes.

The CSI topology feature for FlashArray Direct Access volumes and FlashBlade Direct Access filesystems allows applications to provision storage on a FlashArray Direct Access volume or FlashBlade Direct Access filesystem that is in the same set of Kubernetes nodes where the application pod is located.


In order to use the CSI topology feature with a FlashArray Direct Access volume or FlashBlade Direct Access filesystem, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Install Portworx version 2.11.0 or newer on a local disk or a FlashArray cloud drive. vSphere cloud drives are not supported.
  • Install the Portworx Operator version 1.8.1 or newer.
  • Install Stork version 2.11 or newer.

Enable CSI topology

When you enable CSI topology, you’ll specify Labels that describe the topology for each FlashArray. The keys must match a set of specific strings, but you can define your own values. The following CSI topology Labels keys are available:

  • topology.portworx.io/region
  • topology.portworx.io/zone
  • topology.portworx.io/datacenter
  • topology.portworx.io/provider
  • topology.portworx.io/row
  • topology.portworx.io/rack
  • topology.portworx.io/chassis
  • topology.portworx.io/hypervisor
NOTE: If you are a PSO user, you can use topology.purestorage.com labels when you migrate from PSO to Portworx using the pso2px tool.

Enable on a new cluster

NOTE: To enable the CSI topology feature, you must use the Portworx Operator. You cannot use DaemonSet.

To enable the CSI topology feature, perform the following steps:

  1. Add the following to your StorageCluster spec:

          enabled: true
            enabled: true
  2. Create a px-pure-secret containing the information for your FlashArrays. Include Labels that specify the topology for each FlashArray. The keys must match a set of specific strings, but you can define your own values. For example:

      "FlashArrays": [
          "MgmtEndPoint": "<managementEndpoint>",
          "APIToken": "<apiToken>",
          "Labels": {
            "topology.portworx.io/zone": "zone-0",
            "topology.portworx.io/region": "region-0"
  3. Label your Kubernetes nodes with labels that correspond to the Labels from the previous step. For example:

    kubectl label node <nodeName> topology.portworx.io/zone=zone-0
    kubectl label node <nodeName> topology.portworx.io/region=region-0
  4. Apply the StorageCluster spec with the following command:

    kubectl apply -f <storage-cluster-yaml-file>
  5. Specify the placement strategy by defining the nodeAffinity in your Pod or StatefulSet. For example:

            - matchExpressions:
              - key: topology.portworx.io/zone
                operator: In
                - zone-0
              - key: topology.portworx.io/region
                operator: In
                - region-0
  6. In your StorageClass, choose one of the following strategies so that the PVC uses your topology strategy:

    • Create a StorageClass with volumeBindingMode set to WaitForFirstConsumer. For example:

      • FlashArray:

        kind: StorageClass
        apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
        name: fio-sc-fada
        provisioner: pxd.portworx.com
        backend: "pure_block"
        max_bandwidth: "10G"
        max_iops: "30000"
        csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
        volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
        allowVolumeExpansion: true
      • FlashBlade:

        kind: StorageClass
        apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
        name: fio-sc-fbda
        provisioner: pxd.portworx.com
        backend: "pure_file"
        pure_export_rules: "*(rw)"
        - nfsvers=4.1
        - tcp
        volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
        allowVolumeExpansion: true
    • Create a StorageClass that explicitly defines allowedTopologies in addition to setting volumeBindingMode to WaitForFirstConsumer. For example:

      • FlashArray:

        kind: StorageClass
        apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
        name: fio-sc-fada
        provisioner: pxd.portworx.com
        backend: "pure_block"
        max_bandwidth: "10G"
        max_iops: "30000"
        csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: ext4
        volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
        - matchLabelExpressions:
          - key: topology.portworx.io/rack
              - rack-0
              - rack-1
      • FlashBlade:

        kind: StorageClass
        apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
        name: fio-sc-fbda
        provisioner: pxd.portworx.com
        backend: "pure_file"
        pure_export_rules: "*(rw,no_root_squash)"
        - nfsvers=3
        - tcp
        allowVolumeExpansion: true
        - matchLabelExpressions:
          - key: topology.portworx.io/zone
              - zone-1
          - key: topology.portworx.io/region
              - c360

Enable on an existing cluster

  1. Edit the cluster’s StorageCluster object to include the following:

      enabled: true
        enabled: true
  2. Delete the existing px-pure-secret for your FlashArray or FlashBlade:

    kubectl delete secret --namespace kube-system px-pure-secret
  3. Create a new px-pure-secret using the following command:

    kubectl create secret generic px-pure-secret --namespace kube-system --from-file=<pure.json_file_path>

    Include Labels that specify the topology for each FlashArray or FlashBlade. The keys must match a set of specific strings, but you can define your own values. For example:

      "FlashArrays": [
          "MgmtEndPoint": "<managementEndpoint>",
          "APIToken": "<apiToken>",
          "Labels": {
            "topology.portworx.io/zone": "zone-0",
            "topology.portworx.io/region": "region-0"
  4. Label your Kubernetes nodes with labels that correspond to the Labels from the previous step. For example:

    kubectl label node <nodeName> topology.portworx.io/zone=zone-0
    kubectl label node <nodeName> topology.portworx.io/region=region-0
  5. Restart Portworx on all nodes using the following command:

    kubectl label nodes --all px/service=restart
  6. Get all Portworx pods using the following command:

    kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system -l name=portworx -o wide
  7. Delete Portworx pods for each node one by one using the following command:

    kubectl delete pods --namespace kube-system <px-pod-name>
  8. Wait for the Portworx pods to come up in the node. You can monitor the pods after deletion using the following command:

    kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system -l name=portworx -o wide | grep <node-name>
  9. Delete the Portworx pods for next node. Repeat until Portworx pods are restarted for all nodes.

  10. Wait for Portworx pods to be up in all nodes.

  11. Validate that topology is enabled in a node by describing csinode with the following command:

    kubectl describe csinode <node-name>
    Name:               <node-name>
          Node ID:        <node-id>
          Topology Keys:  [topology.portworx.io/region topology.portworx.io/zone]

Last edited: Tuesday, May 9, 2023