
AutopilotRule CRD specification

Field Description Optional? Default
selector Selects the objects affected by this rule using a matchLabels label selector. Syntax. yes empty
namespaceSelector Selects the namespaces affected by this rule using a matchLabels label selector. Syntax. yes all
conditions Defines the metrics that need to be for the rule’s actions to trigger. All conditions are AND’ed. Syntax. no
actions Defines what action to take when the conditions are met. Syntax. See Supported Autopilot actions for all actions that you can specify here. no
pollInterval Defines the interval in seconds at which the conditions for the rule are queried from the metrics provider. yes 10 seconds
actionsCoolDownPeriod Defines the duration in seconds for which autopilot will not re-trigger any actions once they have been executed. yes 5 minutes


Selects the objects affected by this rule using a matchLabels label selector.

    <selector-key>: <selector-value>


Selects the namespaces affected by this rule using a matchLabels label selector.



Defines the metrics that need to be for the rule’s actions to trigger.

Conditions compare the key field with the values field using the operator field. Condition keys can contain logic and use monitoring values.

  - key: "<condition-formula>"
    operator: <logical-operator>
    - "<comparator>"

It follows the below schema.

Field Description Optional? Default
key This is the metrics query that would be sent to the monitoring provider (e.g prometheus). no empty
operator This is the logical operator to use to compare the results of the query in key above to the values. Supported operators are:
  • In
  • NotIn
  • Lt
  • Gt
  • LtEq
  • GtEq
  • InRange
  • NotInRange
no empty
values This is the value or list of values against which the key and operator are compared.
  • In, NotIn need a list of values
  • Gt, Lt, GtEq, LtEq need a single numerical value.
  • InRange, NotInRange need exactly 2 numerical values
no empty
Multiple conditions are combined using a logical AND.


Defines what action to take when the conditions are met. See the Supported Actions section for the list of actions that you can specify.

  name: <operation>
    <operation-specific-paramater>: <value>
    maxsize: "<value>Gi"

Supported Autopilot actions

This action is to perform resize on Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs).

  • scalepercentage: Specifies the percentage of current PVC size by which Autopilot should resize the PVC. If not specified, the default is 50%.
  • maxsize: Specifies the maximum PVC size in bytes after which Autopilot should stop resizing the PVCs. Note that you can specify the unit of measurement as part of the value. For example, if you want to use GiB, you can specify the unit of measurement like this: maxsize: "400Gi". If not specified, the default value is unlimited.

Resize the PVC by 100% of current size

  - name:
      scalepercentage: "100"
      maxsize: "12Gi"

This action is to perform expansion on Portworx Storage Pools.

  • scalepercentage: Specifies the percentage of current Pool size by which Autopilot should resize it. If not specified, the default is 50%.
  • scaletype: Specifies the type of operation to be performed to expand the pool. Supported values are:
    • add-disk: Portworx will add new disk(s) to the existing storage pool
    • resize-disk: Portworx will resize existing disks in the storage pool
  • scalesize: Specifies the amount, in Gi or Ti, by which Autopilot should expand a storage pool.
NOTE: You cannot combine the scalepercentage and scalesize parameters; use only one of them in an Autopilot rule.

Expand the pool by 50% of current size by adding disks

  - name:
      scalepercentage: "50"
      scaletype: "add-disk"

Expand the pool by 100Gi by resizing disks

  - name:
      scalesize: "100Gi"
      scaletype: "resize-disk"

Use cases

This action performs a rebalance operation on Portworx Storage Pools.

Use cases

Autopilot Events

You can view the actions Autopilot takes by querying Autopilot events. These events provide insight into how your Autopilot rules are functioning, what actions they may be taking, and what actions they have taken in the past.

Autopilot rule event Description
Initializing The rule’s initial startup state where monitoring has not yet begun.
Normal Autopilot is monitoring the rule as expected.
Triggered The rule has its activation conditions met.
ActiveActionsPending The rule’s activation conditions have been met, but the actions are not yet being performed.
ActiveActionsTaken Autopilot has performed the rule’s actions, but still hasn’t moved out of the active status.
ActionsDeclined Autopilot has intentionally declined to perform a rule’s action, for example when a PVC reaches a maximum user-defined size.
ActiveActionsInProgress The rule is active and had its conditions met and there is an ongoing action on the object.
ActionNotLicensed The action Autopilot is trying to perform is not permitted due to license restrictions

You can query events from Kubernetes by entering the following kubectl get events command:

kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind=AutopilotRule
LAST SEEN   FIRST SEEN   COUNT   NAME                                   KIND            SUBOBJECT   TYPE      REASON           SOURCE      MESSAGE
41m         41m          1       pvc-total-size-15gi.15f13fcf9664716d   AutopilotRule               Normal    Transition       autopilot   rule: pvc-total-size-15gi:pvc-8c20c7bb-49fa-11ea-a206-000c29fda8e7 transition from Initializing => Normal
41m         41m          1       pvc-total-size-15gi.15f13fcf96a75e4f   AutopilotRule               Normal    Transition       autopilot   rule: pvc-total-size-15gi:pvc-8c292b08-49fa-11ea-a206-000c29fda8e7 transition from Initializing => Normal
36m         38m          2       pvc-total-size-15gi.15f14003ff20f5ec   AutopilotRule               Normal    Transition       autopilot   rule: pvc-total-size-15gi:pvc-8c20c7bb-49fa-11ea-a206-000c29fda8e7 transition from ActiveActionsInProgress => ActiveActionsTaken
35m         37m          2       pvc-total-size-15gi.15f140126cc4021c   AutopilotRule               Normal    Transition       autopilot   rule: pvc-total-size-15gi:pvc-8c20c7bb-49fa-11ea-a206-000c29fda8e7 transition from ActiveActionsTaken => Normal
35m         38m          3       pvc-total-size-15gi.15f13ff9ae4cc963   AutopilotRule               Normal    Transition       autopilot   rule: pvc-total-size-15gi:pvc-8c20c7bb-49fa-11ea-a206-000c29fda8e7 transition from Normal => Triggered
34m         34m          2       pvc-total-size-15gi.15f14032de7660a7   AutopilotRule               Normal    Transition       autopilot   rule: pvc-total-size-15gi:pvc-8c20c7bb-49fa-11ea-a206-000c29fda8e7 transition from ActiveActionsInProgress => ActionsDeclined

Last edited: Tuesday, May 9, 2023