Portworx Alerts

Portworx Alerts

Portworx provides a way to monitor your cluster using alerts. It has a predefined set of alerts which are listed below. The alerts are broadly classified into the following types based on the Resource on which it is raised

  1. Cluster
  2. Nodes
  3. Disks
  4. Volumes
  5. Pools

Each alert has a severity from one of the following levels:

  1. INFO
  3. ALARM

List of Alerts

Name ResourceType Severity Description Metric
DriveOperationFailure DRIVE ALARM Triggered when a driver operation such as add or replace fails. px_alerts_driveoperationfailure_total
DriveOperationSuccess DRIVE NOTIFY Triggered when a driver operation such as add or replace succeeds. px_alerts_driveoperationsuccess_total
DriveStateChange DRIVE WARNING Triggered when there is a change in the driver state viz. Free Disk space goes below the recommended level of 10%. px_alerts_drivestatechange_total
DriveStateChangeClear DRIVE WARNING Triggered when the drive’s state gets cleared. px_alerts_drivestatechangeclear_total
CloudDriveCreateWarning DRIVE ALARM Warning during cloud drive creation px_alerts_clouddrivecreatewarning_total
VolumeOperationFailureAlarm VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a volume operation fails. Volume operations could be resize, cloudsnap, etc. The alert message will give more info about the specific error case. px_alerts_volumeoperationfailurealarm_total
VolumeOperationSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a volume operation such as resize succeeds. px_alerts_volumeoperationsuccess_total
VolumeStateChange VOLUME WARNING Triggered when there is a change in the state of the volume. px_alerts_volumestatechange_total
IOOperation VOLUME ALARM Triggered when an IO operation such as Block Read/Block Write fails. px_alerts_iooperation_total
VolumeOperationFailureWarn VOLUME WARNING Triggered when a volume operation fails. Volume operations could be resize, cloudsnap, etc. The alert message will give more info about the specific error case. px_alerts_volumeoperationfailurewarn_total
VolumeSpaceLow VOLUME ALARM Triggered when the free space available in a volume goes below a threshold. px_alerts_volumespacelow_total
ReplAddVersionMismatch VOLUME WARNING Triggered when a volume HA update fails with version mismatch. px_alerts_repladdversionmismatch_total
CloudsnapOperationUpdate VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered if a cloudsnap schedule is changed successfully. px_alerts_cloudsnapoperationupdate_total
CloudsnapOperationFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a cloudsnap operation fails. px_alerts_cloudsnapoperationfailure_total
CloudsnapOperationSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a cloudsnap operation succeeds. px_alerts_cloudsnapoperationsuccess_total
VolumeCreateSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a volume is successfully created. px_alerts_volumecreatesuccess_total
VolumeCreateFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a volume creation fails. px_alerts_volumecreatefailure_total
VolumeDeleteSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a volume is successfully deleted. px_alerts_volumedeletesuccess_total
VolumeDeleteFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a volume deletion fails. px_alerts_volumedeletefailure_total
VolumeMountSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a volume is successfully mounted at the requested path. px_alerts_volumemountsuccess_total
VolumeMountFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a volume cannot be mounted at the requested path. px_alerts_volumemountfailure_total
VolumeUnmountSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a volume is successfully unmounted. px_alerts_volumeunmountsuccess_total
VolumeUnmountFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a volume cannot be unmounted. The alert message provides more info about the specific error case. px_alerts_volumeunmountfailure_total
VolumeHAUpdateSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a volume’s replication factor (HA factor) is successfully updated. px_alerts_volumehaupdatesuccess_total
VolumeHAUpdateFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when an update to volume’s replication factor (HA factor) fails. px_alerts_volumehaupdatefailure_total
SnapshotCreateSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a volume is successfully created. px_alerts_snapshotcreatesuccess_total
SnapshotCreateFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a volume snapshot creation fails. px_alerts_snapshotcreatefailure_total
SnapshotRestoreSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a snapshot is successfully restored on a volume. px_alerts_snapshotrestoresuccess_total
SnapshotRestoreFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when the operation of restoring a snapshot fails. px_alerts_snapshotrestorefailure_total
SnapshotIntervalUpdateFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when an update of the snapshot interval for a volume fails. px_alerts_snapshotintervalupdatefailure_total
SnapshotIntervalUpdateSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a snapshot interval of a volume is successfully updated. px_alerts_snapshotintervalupdatesuccess_total
VolumeExtentDiffSlow VOLUME WARNING Volume extent diff is taking too long. px_alerts_volumeextentdiffslow_total
VolumeExtentDiffOk VOLUME WARNING Volume extent diff is okay. px_alerts_volumeextentdiffok_total
SnapshotDeleteSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a snapshot is successfully deleted. px_alerts_snapshotdeletesuccess_total
SnapshotDeleteFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a snapshot delete is successfully deleted. px_alerts_snapshotdeletefailure_total
VolumeSpaceLowCleared VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when the free disk space goes above the recommended level of 10%. px_alerts_volumespacelowcleared_total
CloudMigrationUpdate VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered if a cloud migration is updated. px_alerts_cloudmigrationupdate_total
CloudMigrationSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a cloud migration operation succeeds. px_alerts_cloudmigrationsuccess_total
CloudMigrationFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a cloud migration operation fails. px_alerts_cloudmigrationfailure_total
CloudsnapOperationWarning VOLUME WARNING Triggered when a cloud snap operation encounters a problem. px_alerts_cloudsnapoperationwarning_total
IOOperationWarning VOLUME WARNING Io operation warning px_alerts_iooperationwarning_total
FilesystemCheckSuccess VOLUME NOTIFY Filesystem-Check fixed filesystem errors in volume px_alerts_filesystemchecksuccess_total
FilesystemCheckFailed VOLUME WARNING Filesystem-Check failed to fix errors in volume px_alerts_filesystemcheckfailed_total
FilesystemCheckFoundErrors VOLUME WARNING Filesystem-Check found errors in the filesystem px_alerts_filesystemcheckfounderrors_total
VolumeResizeSuccessful VOLUME NOTIFY Volume resize operation successful px_alerts_volumeresizesuccessful_total
VolumeResizeDeferred VOLUME NOTIFY Volume resize operation deferred to next mount px_alerts_volumeresizedeferred_total
VolumeResizeFailed VOLUME ALARM Volume resize operation failed px_alerts_volumeresizefailed_total
VolumeAttachFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a volume cannot be attached to the requested node. px_alerts_volumeattachfailure_total
VolumeDetachFailure VOLUME ALARM Triggered when a volume cannot be detached from a node. px_alerts_volumedetachfailure_total
VolumeRemoteDetach VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a volume is detached from a remote node to allow attaching. px_alerts_volumeremotedetach_total
VolumeCreateWarning VOLUME WARNING Triggered when a volume creation encounters a non-critical problem. px_alerts_volumecreatewarning_total
CloudMigrationCanceled VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when a cloud migration operation is canceled. px_alerts_cloudmigrationcanceled_total
SharedV4FailoverNotAvailable VOLUME WARNING Triggered when service failover is not available for a sharedv4 volume because it is not HA. px_alerts_sharedv4failovernotavailable_total
SharedV4FailoverAvailable VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when service failover is available for a sharedv4 volume. px_alerts_sharedv4failoveravailable_total
VolumeNodiscardMntOptsValidationFailed VOLUME NOTIFY volume discard/nodiscard mount options not configured correctly px_alerts_volumenodiscardmntoptsvalidationfailed_total
VolumeIOThrottleWarning VOLUME WARNING volume max_iops/max_bandwidth options not enforced px_alerts_volumeiothrottlewarning_total
VolumeUnhealthyReplicasIncreased VOLUME WARNING Triggered when a the number of unhealthy volume replicas increased. px_alerts_volumeunhealthyreplicasincreased_total
VolumeUnhealthyReplicasDecreased VOLUME NOTIFY Triggered when the number of unhealthy volume replicas decreases. px_alerts_volumeunhealthyreplicasdecreased_total
VolumeAutoFstrimFailed VOLUME ALARM Auto fstrim failed. px_alerts_volumeautofstrimfailed_total
PXNodePrerequisiteMissing VOLUME ALARM Triggered when Portworx is missing a prerequisite to start px_alerts_pxnodeprerequisitemissing_total
VolGroupOperationFailure CLUSTER ALARM Triggered when a volume group operation fails. px_alerts_volgroupoperationfailure_total
VolGroupOperationSuccess CLUSTER NOTIFY Triggered when a volume group operation succeeds. px_alerts_volgroupoperationsuccess_total
VolGroupStateChange CLUSTER WARNING Triggered when a volume group’s state changes. px_alerts_volgroupstatechange_total
ContainerOperationFailure CLUSTER ALARM Container operation failed px_alerts_containeroperationfailure_total
ContainerOperationSuccess CLUSTER ALARM Container operation succeeded px_alerts_containeroperationsuccess_total
ContainerStateChange CLUSTER ALARM Container state changed px_alerts_containerstatechange_total
LicenseExpiring CLUSTER WARNING Warning triggers 7 days before the installed Portworx Enterprise or Trial license will expire (e.g. “PX-Enterprise license will expire in 6 days, 12:00”). It will also keep triggering after the license has expired (e.g. “Trial license expired 4 days, 06:22 ago”). px_alerts_licenseexpiring_total
ClusterPairSuccess CLUSTER NOTIFY Triggered when a cluster pair operation succeeds. px_alerts_clusterpairsuccess_total
ClusterPairFailure CLUSTER ALARM Triggered when a cluster pair operation fails. px_alerts_clusterpairfailure_total
ClusterDomainAdded CLUSTER NOTIFY Triggered when a cluster domain is added. px_alerts_clusterdomainadded_total
ClusterDomainRemoved CLUSTER NOTIFY Triggered when a cluster domain is removed. px_alerts_clusterdomainremoved_total
ClusterDomainActivated CLUSTER NOTIFY Triggered when a cluster domain is activated. px_alerts_clusterdomainactivated_total
ClusterDomainDeactivated CLUSTER NOTIFY Triggered when a cluster domain is deactivated. px_alerts_clusterdomaindeactivated_total
MeteringAgentWarning CLUSTER WARNING Triggered when the metering agent encounters a non-critical problem. px_alerts_meteringagentwarning_total
MeteringAgentCritical CLUSTER ALARM Triggered when the metering agent encounters a critical problem. px_alerts_meteringagentcritical_total
ClusterLicenseUpdated CLUSTER NOTIFY Triggered when a license is updated for a cluster. px_alerts_clusterlicenseupdated_total
LicenseExpired CLUSTER ALARM Triggered when the cluster license expires. px_alerts_licenseexpired_total
LicenseLeaseExpiring CLUSTER WARNING Triggered when the license lease is about to expire since the last lease refresh failed. px_alerts_licenseleaseexpiring_total
LicenseLeaseExpired CLUSTER ALARM Triggered when the license lease has expired since the last lease refresh failed. px_alerts_licenseleaseexpired_total
RebalanceJobFinished CLUSTER ALARM Rebalance job finished execution px_alerts_rebalancejobfinished_total
RebalanceJobStarted CLUSTER ALARM Rebalance job started execution px_alerts_rebalancejobstarted_total
RebalanceJobPaused CLUSTER ALARM Rebalance job paused execution px_alerts_rebalancejobpaused_total
RebalanceJobCancelled CLUSTER ALARM Rebalance job cancelled px_alerts_rebalancejobcancelled_total
AutoFstrimDisabledInCluster CLUSTER NOTIFY Auto fstrim is disabled in this cluster px_alerts_autofstrimdisabledincluster_total
NodeStartFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when a node in the Portworx cluster fails to start. px_alerts_nodestartfailure_total
NodeStartSuccess NODE NOTIFY Triggered when a node in the Portworx cluster successfully initializes. px_alerts_nodestartsuccess_total
NodeStateChange NODE ALARM Node state changed (i.e. it went down, came online etc.) px_alerts_nodestatechange_total
NodeJournalHighUsage NODE ALARM Triggered when a node’s timestamp journal usage is not within limits. px_alerts_nodejournalhighusage_total
PXInitFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when Portworx fails to initialize on a node. px_alerts_pxinitfailure_total
PXInitSuccess NODE NOTIFY Triggered when Portworx successfully initializes on a node. px_alerts_pxinitsuccess_total
PXStateChange NODE WARNING Triggered when the Portworx daemon shuts down in error. px_alerts_pxstatechange_total
StorageVolumeMountDegraded NODE ALARM Triggered when Portworx storage enters degraded mode on a node. px_alerts_storagevolumemountdegraded_total
ClusterManagerFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when Cluster manager on a Portworx node fails to start. The alert message will give more info about the specific error case. px_alerts_clustermanagerfailure_total
KernelDriverFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when an incorrect Portworx kernel module is detected. Indicates that Portworx is started with an incorrect version of the kernel module. px_alerts_kerneldriverfailure_total
NodeDecommissionSuccess NODE NOTIFY Triggered when a node is successfully decommissioned from Portworx cluster. px_alerts_nodedecommissionsuccess_total
NodeDecommissionFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when a node could not be decommissioned from Portworx cluster. px_alerts_nodedecommissionfailure_total
NodeDecommissionPending NODE WARNING Triggered when a node decommission is kept in pending state as it has data which is not replicated on other nodes. px_alerts_nodedecommissionpending_total
NodeInitFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when Portworx fails to initialize on a node. px_alerts_nodeinitfailure_total
NodeScanCompletion NODE NOTIFY Triggered when node media scan completes without error. px_alerts_nodescancompletion_total
CloudsnapScheduleFailure NODE ALARM Triggered if a cloudsnap schedule fails to configure. px_alerts_cloudsnapschedulefailure_total
NodeMarkedDown NODE WARNING Triggered when a Portworx node marks another node down as it is unable to connect to it. px_alerts_nodemarkeddown_total
PXReady NODE NOTIFY Triggered when Portworx is ready on a node. px_alerts_pxready_total
StorageFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when the provided storage drives could not be mounted by Portworx. px_alerts_storagefailure_total
ObjectstoreFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when an object store error is detected. px_alerts_objectstorefailure_total
ObjectstoreSuccess NODE NOTIFY Triggered upon a successful object store operation. px_alerts_objectstoresuccess_total
ObjectstoreStateChange NODE NOTIFY Triggered in response to a state change. px_alerts_objectstorestatechange_total
SharedV4SetupFailure NODE WARNING Triggered when the creation of a sharedv4 volume fails. px_alerts_sharedv4setupfailure_total
NodeTimestampFailure NODE ALARM Node timestamp journal failure px_alerts_nodetimestampfailure_total
NodeJournalFailure NODE ALARM Node journal failure px_alerts_nodejournalfailure_total
StoragePoolFailure NODE ALARM Storage Pool handling encountered an issue px_alerts_storagepoolfailure_total
NodeDriverFailure NODE ALARM Node Kernel Driver Failure px_alerts_nodedriverfailure_total
StoragelessToStorageNodeTransitionFailure NODE ALARM Triggered when a node fails to transition from a storageless type to a storage type. px_alerts_storagelesstostoragenodetransitionfailure_total
StoragelessToStorageNodeTransitionSuccess NODE NOTIFY Triggered when a node transitions from a storageless type to a storage type successfully. px_alerts_storagelesstostoragenodetransitionsuccess_total
SecretsAuthFailed NODE WARNING Secrets setup has failed px_alerts_secretsauthfailed_total
LicenseServerDown NODE WARNING Triggered when a node is unable to reach the license server. px_alerts_licenseserverdown_total
FloatingLicenseSetupError NODE ALARM Triggered when a node fails to setup a floating license. px_alerts_floatinglicensesetuperror_total
NFSServerUnhealthy NODE WARNING Triggered when the NFS server on this node is unhealthy. px_alerts_nfsserverunhealthy_total
FileSystemDependency NODE ALARM Triggered during Portworx installation if there’s a filesystem dependency failure. px_alerts_filesystemdependency_total
RebootRequired NODE ALARM Triggered when a node requires a reboot. px_alerts_rebootrequired_total
TempFileSystemInitialization NODE ALARM Triggered during Portworx installation if a node fails to initialize a temporary filesystem. px_alerts_tempfilesysteminitialization_total
UnsupportedKernel NODE ALARM Triggered during a Portworx installation if the node contains a kernel that is not supported by Portworx. px_alerts_unsupportedkernel_total
InvalidDevice NODE ALARM Triggered during Portworx installation if an invalid device is provided to Portworx as a storage device. px_alerts_invaliddevice_total
NfsDependencyInstallFailure NODE ALARM Triggered during Portworx installation if Portworx cannot install the NFS service. px_alerts_nfsdependencyinstallfailure_total
NfsDependencyNotEnabled NODE ALARM Triggered during Portworx installation if Portworx cannot enable the NFS service. px_alerts_nfsdependencynotenabled_total
LicenseCheckFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if a node fails a license check. px_alerts_licensecheckfailed_total
PortworxStoppedOnNode NODE WARNING Triggered if Portworx is stopped on a node. px_alerts_portworxstoppedonnode_total
KvdbConnectionFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if Portworx fails to connect to the KVDB. px_alerts_kvdbconnectionfailed_total
InternalKvdbSetupFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if Portworx fails to setup Internal KVDB on a node. px_alerts_internalkvdbsetupfailed_total
PortworxMonitorImagePullFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if Portworx fails to pull Portworx images during installation. px_alerts_portworxmonitorimagepullfailed_total
PortworxMonitorPrePostExecutionFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if Portworx fails to execute pre or post installation tasks. px_alerts_portworxmonitorprepostexecutionfailed_total
PortworxMonitorMountValidationFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if Portworx fails to validate mounts provided to Portworx container during installation. px_alerts_portworxmonitormountvalidationfailed_total
PortworxMonitorSchedulerInitializationFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if Portworx fails to initialize connection with scheduler during installation. px_alerts_portworxmonitorschedulerinitializationfailed_total
PortworxMonitorServiceControlsInitializationFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if Portworx fails to initialize the service controls during installation. px_alerts_portworxmonitorservicecontrolsinitializationfailed_total
PortworxMonitorInstallFailed NODE ALARM Triggered if Portworx installation fails. px_alerts_portworxmonitorinstallfailed_total
MissingInputArgument NODE ALARM Triggered if there’s a missing input install argument. px_alerts_missinginputargument_total
PortworxMonitorImagePullInProgress NODE NOTIFY Triggered when Portworx is pulling and extracting images during installation or upgrade. px_alerts_portworxmonitorimagepullinprogress_total
InvalidArgument NODE ALARM Invalid input argument px_alerts_invalidargument_total
PXHostDependencyFailure NODE ALARM Host does not meet dependencies for applied px configuration px_alerts_pxhostdependencyfailure_total
KvdbConnectionWarning NODE WARNING kvdb endpoint is not accessible px_alerts_kvdbconnectionwarning_total
CallHomeFailure NODE ALARM Call home failure px_alerts_callhomefailure_total
CloudsnapSettingWarning NODE WARNING Cloudsnap setting Warning px_alerts_cloudsnapsettingwarning_total
Sharedv4ServerHighLoadWarn NODE WARNING SharedV4 server high load detected px_alerts_sharedv4serverhighloadwarn_total
NodeAttachmentsCordoned NODE NOTIFY Volume attachments are disabled on this node px_alerts_nodeattachmentscordoned_total
NodeAttachmentsUncordoned NODE NOTIFY Volume attachments are re-enabled on this node px_alerts_nodeattachmentsuncordoned_total
DrainAttachmentsJobStarted NODE NOTIFY DrainAttachments job started execution px_alerts_drainattachmentsjobstarted_total
DrainAttachmentsJobFinished NODE NOTIFY DrainAttachments job finished execution px_alerts_drainattachmentsjobfinished_total
DrainAttachmentsJobCancelled NODE ALARM DrainAttachments job cancelled px_alerts_drainattachmentsjobcancelled_total
CloudDriveTransferJobStarted NODE NOTIFY CloudDriveTransfer job started execution px_alerts_clouddrivetransferjobstarted_total
CloudDriveTransferJobInProgress NODE NOTIFY CloudDriveTransfer job in progress px_alerts_clouddrivetransferjobinprogress_total
CloudDriveTransferJobFinished NODE NOTIFY CloudDriveTransfer job finished execution px_alerts_clouddrivetransferjobfinished_total
CloudDriveTransferJobCancelled NODE ALARM CloudDriveTransfer job cancelled px_alerts_clouddrivetransferjobcancelled_total
DrainAttachmentsOperationWarning NODE WARNING DrainAttachments operation warning px_alerts_drainattachmentsoperationwarning_total
NodeUnsecured NODE ALARM Triggered when an unsecure Portworx node tries to join a secured cluster. Indicates that the Portworx node is not configured correctly with the appropriate authentication security settings. px_alerts_nodeunsecured_total
DiagCollectJobStarted NODE NOTIFY DiagCollect job started execution px_alerts_diagcollectjobstarted_total
DiagCollectJobInProgress NODE NOTIFY DiagCollect job in progress px_alerts_diagcollectjobinprogress_total
DiagCollectJobFinished NODE NOTIFY DiagCollect job finished execution px_alerts_diagcollectjobfinished_total
DiagCollectJobCancelled NODE ALARM DiagCollect job cancelled px_alerts_diagcollectjobcancelled_total
DiagCollectJobFailed NODE ALARM DiagCollect job failed px_alerts_diagcollectjobfailed_total
FileSystemModuleDependency NODE ALARM Triggered during Portworx installation if there is a filesystem module dependency failure. px_alerts_filesystemmoduledependency_total
RelaxedReclaimMaxReached NODE WARNING RelaxedReclaim maximum pending limit reached causing inline delete of the volume/snapshot px_alerts_relaxedreclaimmaxreached_total
VolumeIOThrottleNotSupported NODE NOTIFY Volume IO Throttling feature not supported in this node due to kernel limitation px_alerts_volumeiothrottlenotsupported_total
UnsupportedOperatingSystem NODE WARNING Ubuntu 16.04 will not be supported after the Portworx 2.10 release. px_alerts_unsupportedoperatingsystem_total
CCMstatusFailed NODE NOTIFY CCM status check failed px_alerts_ccmstatusfailed_total
CCMuploadFailed NODE NOTIFY Upload to CCM failed px_alerts_ccmuploadfailed_total
PoolExpandInProgress POOL NOTIFY Triggered when a pool expand operation starts. px_alerts_poolexpandinprogress_total
PoolExpandSuccessful POOL NOTIFY Triggered when a pool expand operation succeeds. px_alerts_poolexpandsuccessful_total
PoolExpandFailed POOL ALARM Triggered when a pool expand operation fails. px_alerts_poolexpandfailed_total

Last edited: Tuesday, May 9, 2023