Configure migrations to use service accounts

If you set up migrations and migration schedules using user accounts, you will encounter token expiration-related errors. To avoid these errors, Portworx, Inc. recommends setting up migration and migration schedules using service accounts.

In contrast to user accounts, which expire after a specified interval of time has passed, service account tokens do not expire. Using service accounts ensures that you will not encounter token expiration-related errors. See the User accounts versus service accounts section of the Kubernetes documentation for more details about the differences between service accounts and user accounts.

Perform the following steps on the destination cluster to configure migrations to use service accounts.

Create a service account and a cluster role binding

  1. Create a file called service-account-migration.yaml with the following content, specifying the namespace: to match one of the existing namespaces in your cluster. For this example we will use the default namespace:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: migration
      namespace: default
  2. Apply the spec:

    kubectl apply -f service-account-migration.yaml

    NOTE: If you are using Kubernetes version 1.24 or newer, you also need to create a secret. In the example below, the name in the annotation must match the name of the service account that you created.

       apiVersion: v1
       kind: Secret
         name: migration
         namespace: default

    Apply the secret:

    kubectl apply -f <migrationsecretname>.yaml
  3. Create a file called cluster-role-binding-migration.yaml with the following content, specifying the namespace: field to match the namespace in the previous step:

    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: migration-clusterrolebinding
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: migration
      namespace: default
    NOTE: The field is set to cluster-admin. For details about super-user access, see the User-facing roles section of the Kubernetes documentation.
  4. Apply the spec:

    kubectl apply -f cluster-role-binding-migration.yaml

Create a kubeconfig file

  1. Download the script file. Edit the file and change the values of the SERVER and NAMESPACE variables to match your environment.

  2. To create a kubeconfig file, enter the following commands:

    chmod +x && ./ > ~/.kube/migration-config.conf
  3. Set the value of the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to the kubeconfig file that you created in the previous step:

    export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/migration-config.conf

Generate a cluster pair

  1. To generate a cluster pair using this service account, enter the following command:

    storkctl generate clusterpair -n <migrationnamespace> <remotecluster> --kubeconfig ~/.kube/migration-config.conf  > clusterpair.yaml
    • <remotecluster>: The Kubernetes object that will be created on the source cluster representing the pair relationship.
    • <migrationnamespace>: The Kubernetes namespace for the source cluster that you want to migrate to the destination cluster.
  2. Copy the clusterpair.yaml file to your source cluster, modify the options section to match your environment, and apply it. Depending on whether you want to configure Portworx for asynchronous or synchronous disaster recovery, follow the steps in one of the following pages:

You can use this cluster pair to create migrations or migration schedules. See the Migrating Volumes and Resources section for more details.

Last edited: Tuesday, May 9, 2023