Portworx Metrics for monitoring

backup_stats stats

Name Description
px_backup_stats_backup_status Status for this backup (0=InProgress,1=Done,2=Failed)
px_backup_stats_backup_size Size in bytes for this backup
px_backup_stats_backup_duration_seconds Duration in seconds for this backup
px_backup_stats_backup_uploaded_bytes_mbs Delta bytes uploaded in MB/s from last interval for this backup
px_backup_stats_download_size_bytes Size of downloaded bytes during backup/restore from cloud
px_backup_stats_upload_size_bytes Size of uploaded bytes during backup/restore from cloud
px_backup_stats_get_apis_invoked Number of times GET API was invoked
px_backup_stats_put_apis_invoked Number of times PUT API was invoked

cluster stats

Name Description
px_cluster_cpu_percent Percentage of CPU Used
px_cluster_memory_utilized_percent Percentage of memory utilization
px_cluster_disk_total_bytes Total storage space in bytes for this node
px_cluster_disk_available_bytes Available storage space in bytes for this node
px_cluster_disk_utilized_bytes Utilized storage space in bytes for this node
px_cluster_pendingio Number of read and write operations currently in progress for this node
px_cluster_trashcan_volumes Number of volumes currently in the trashcan

cluster_status stats

Name Description
px_cluster_status_cluster_size Node count for your portworx cluster. Deprecated.
px_cluster_status_size Node count for your portworx cluster
px_cluster_status_cluster_quorum Indicates if the cluster is in quorum. Deprecated.
px_cluster_status_quorum Indicates if the cluster is in quorum
px_cluster_status_nodes_online Number of online nodes in the cluster (includes storage and storageless)
px_cluster_status_nodes_offline Number of offline nodes in the cluster (includes storage and storageless)
px_cluster_status_nodes_storage_down Number of nodes where the storage is full or down
px_cluster_status_storage_nodes_online Number of storage nodes that are online
px_cluster_status_storage_nodes_offline Number of storage nodes that are offline
px_cluster_status_storage_nodes_decommissioned Number of storage nodes that are decommissioned

disk_stats stats

Name Description
px_disk_stats_used_bytes Total storage in bytes for this disk
px_disk_stats_interval_seconds interval_seconds
px_disk_stats_io_seconds Time spent doing IO in seconds for this disk
px_disk_stats_progress_io IO’s currently in progress for this disk
px_disk_stats_disk_read_bytes Total bytes read for this disk. Deprecated.
px_disk_stats_read_bytes Total bytes read for this disk
px_disk_stats_write_bytes_seconds Total written bytes for this disk. Deprecated.
px_disk_stats_written_bytes Total written bytes for this disk
px_disk_stats_read_seconds Total time spend reading in seconds for this disk
px_disk_stats_write_seconds Total time spend writing in seconds for this disk
px_disk_stats_read_latency_seconds Average time spent per read operation in seconds for this disk
px_disk_stats_write_latency Average time spent per write operation in seconds for this disk. Deprecated.
px_disk_stats_write_latency_seconds Average time spent per write operation in seconds
px_disk_stats_disk_num_reads Total number of read operations completed successfully for this disk. Deprecated.
px_disk_stats_disk_num_writes Total number of write operations completed successfully for this disk. Deprecated.
px_disk_stats_num_reads Total number of read operations completed successfully for this disk
px_disk_stats_num_writes Total number of write operations completed successfully for this disk
px_disk_stats_num_reads_total Total number of read operations completed successfully for this disk
px_disk_stats_num_writes_total Total number of write operations completed successfully for this disk
px_disk_stats_written_bytes_total Total bytes written for this disk
px_disk_stats_read_bytes_total Total bytes read for this disk
px_disk_stats_read_seconds_total Total time spend reading in seconds for this disk
px_disk_stats_write_seconds_total Total time spend writing in seconds for this disk

kvdb stats

Name Description
px_kvdb_get_requests_total Total number of get requests for a key
px_kvdb_snapshot_requests_total Total number of kvdb snapshot requests for a list of prefixes
px_kvdb_put_requests_total Total number of put requests for a key
px_kvdb_create_requests_total Total number of create requests for a key
px_kvdb_update_requests_total Total number of update requests for a key
px_kvdb_enumerate_requests_total Total number of enumerate requests for a key
px_kvdb_delete_requests_total Total number of delete requests for a key
px_kvdb_keys_requests_total Total number of list key requests for a prefix
px_kvdb_cas_requests_total Total number of compare and sets for a key
px_kvdb_cad_requests_total Total number of compare and deletes for a key
px_kvdb_lock_requests_total Total number of lock requests for a key
px_kvdb_unlock_requests_total Total number of unlock requests for a key
px_kvdb_watchkey_requests_total Total number of watch requests for a key from a node
px_kvdb_watchtree_requests_total Total number of watch requests for a prefix from a node
px_kvdb_adduser_requests_total Total number of add user requests
px_kvdb_removeuser_requests_total Total number of remove user requests
px_kvdb_grantuser_access_requests_total Total number of grant access requests for a user
px_kvdb_revokeuser_access_requests_total Total number of revoke access requests for a user
px_kvdb_addmember_requests_total Total number of add member requests from a node
px_kvdb_removemember_requests_total Total number of remove member requests from a node
px_kvdb_updatemember_requests_total Total number of update member requests from a node
px_kvdb_listmembers_requests_total Total number of list member requests from a node
px_kvdb_setendpoints_requests_total Total number of set endpoint requests from a node
px_kvdb_getendpoints_requests_total Total number of get endpoint requests from a node
px_kvdb_defragment_requests_total Total number of defragment requests from a node
px_kvdb_watch_latency_seconds Time taken in seconds between a kvdb put and a corresponding watch update

kvdb_health_state stats

Name Description
px_kvdb_health_state_node_view This node’s kvdb state (1 = healthy, 2 = not healthy)
px_kvdb_health_state_cluster_view This node’s view of other node’s kvdb state (1 = healthy, 2 = not healthy)

network_io stats

Name Description
px_network_io_bytessent Number of bytes sent during this interval
px_network_io_received_bytes Number of bytes received during this interval
px_network_io_sent_bytes_total Total number of bytes sent
px_network_io_received_bytes_total Total number of bytes received
px_network_io_reservation_waits Total number of SM waits for reservation
px_network_io_reservation_wake_ups Total number of SM wake ups after getting the reservation

node_stats stats

Name Description
px_node_stats_used_mem Used memory in bytes
px_node_stats_cpu_usage Percent of CPU consumption
px_node_stats_busy_threads_percent Percentage of Busy Threads
px_node_stats_thread_pool_high_priority_queue_size Thread Pool High Priority Queue Size
px_node_stats_writeback_list_num_dirty_pools Writeback List Number of Dirty Pools
px_node_stats_writeback_list_num_pending_log_bufs Writeback List Number of Pending Log Buffers
px_node_stats_writeback_list_low_cos_queue_size Writeback List Low Cos Queue Size
px_node_stats_writeback_list_high_cos_queue_size Writeback List High Cos Queue Size
px_node_stats_sm_run_queue_size Statemachine Run Queue Size
px_node_stats_kaio_pending_queue_size Kaio Pending Queue Size
px_node_stats_request_scheduler_queue_size Request Scheduler Queue Size
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_available_bytes Available memory in bytes
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_dirty_bytes The total amount of memory waiting to be written back to the disk
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_writeback_bytes The total amount of memory actively being written back to the disk
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_total_bytes Total amount of usable RAM which is physical RAM minus a number of reserved bits and the kernel binary code
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_free_bytes The amount of physical RAM, in bytes, left unused by the system.
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_buffers_bytes The amount, in bytes, of temporary storage for raw disk blocks
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_cached_bytes The amount of physical RAM, in bytes, used as cache memory
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_active_anon_bytes The amount of anonymous and tmpfs/shmem memory, in bytes, that is in active use, or was in active use since the last time the system moved something to swap
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_inactive_anon_bytes The amount of anonymous and tmpfs/shmem memory, in bytes, that is a candidate for eviction
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_active_file_bytes The amount of file cache memory, in bytes, that is in active use, or was in active use since the last time the system reclaimed memory
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_inactive_file_bytes The amount of file cache memory, in bytes, that is newly loaded from the disk, or is a candidate for reclaiming
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_unevictable_bytes The amount of memory, in bytes, discovered by the pageout code, that is not evictable because it is locked into memory by user programs
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_mlocked_bytes The total amount of memory, in bytes, that is not evictable because it is locked into memory by user programs
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_anon_pages_bytes The total amount of memory, in bytes, used by pages that are not backed by files and are mapped into userspace page tables
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_mapped_bytes The memory, in bytes, used for files that have been mmaped, such as libraries
px_node_stats_procfs_mem_sh_mem_bytes The total amount of memory, in bytes, used by shared memory (shmem) and tmpfs
px_node_stats_num_skinnysnaps The number of SkinnySnaps
px_node_stats_skinnysnaps_num_repls_skips The number of target replicas skipped for a snapshot due to SkinnySnap
px_node_stats_skinnysnaps_num_repls_snapshots The number of target replicas that underwent a snapshot operation due to SkinnySnap
px_node_stats_relaxed_reclaim_pending The number of volumes in RelaxedReclaim pending queue
px_node_stats_relaxed_reclaim_skipped The number of volume deletes that were skipped from being delayed even when RelaxedReclaim was enabled.
px_node_stats_relaxed_reclaim_deleted The number of volume deletes done through RelaxedReclaim
px_node_stats_num_volumes The number of volumes hosted on this node

node_status stats

Name Description
px_node_status_node_status Status of this node (https://libopenstorage.github.io/w/master.generated-api.html#status)
px_node_status_license_expiry Number of days until License (or License lease) expires (<0 means Expired)

none_stats stats

Name Description
px_none_stats_free_mem Available memory in bytes
px_none_stats_total_mem Total memory in bytes

pool_stats stats

Name Description
px_pool_stats_pool_written_bytes Bytes written since last interval for this pool. Deprecated.
px_pool_stats_pool_write_latency_seconds Average time spent per write operation for this pool. Deprecated.
px_pool_stats_pool_writethroughput Average number of bytes written per second for this pool. Deprecated.
px_pool_stats_pool_flushed_bytes Number of flushed bytes since last interval for this pool. Deprecated.
px_pool_stats_pool_num_flushes Number of flush(sync) operations since last interval for this pool. Deprecated.
px_pool_stats_pool_flushms Latency for flush for this pool. Deprecated.
px_pool_stats_pool_provisioned_bytes Provisioned storage space in bytes for this pool. Deprecated.
px_pool_stats_pool_status Status of this Pool (0=Offline,1=Online). Deprecated.
px_pool_stats_written_bytes Bytes written since last interval for this pool
px_pool_stats_num_writes Number of write operations in the last interval for this pool
px_pool_stats_write_ms Total time in millisecond spent in writing in the last interval for this pool
px_pool_stats_write_latency_seconds Average time spent per write operation for this pool
px_pool_stats_write_iops Average number of completed write operations per second for this pool
px_pool_stats_writethroughput Average number of bytes written per second for this pool
px_pool_stats_flushed_bytes Number of flushed bytes since last interval for this pool
px_pool_stats_num_flushes Number of flush(sync) operations since last interval for this pool
px_pool_stats_flushms Latency for flush for this pool
px_pool_stats_provisioned_bytes Provisioned storage space in bytes for this pool
px_pool_stats_status Status of this Pool (0=Offline,1=Online,2=Full,3=NotFound,4=Maintenance)
px_pool_stats_available_bytes Available storage space in bytes for this pool
px_pool_stats_used_bytes Used storage space in bytes for this pool
px_pool_stats_total_bytes Total storage space in bytes for this pool
px_pool_stats_written_bytes_total Total bytes written for this pool
px_pool_stats_flushed_bytes_total Total number of flushed bytes
px_pool_stats_num_flushes_total Total number of flush(sync) operations
px_pool_stats_flushms_total Total time spent in flush

proc_stats stats

Name Description
px_proc_stats_virt Virtual memory in bytes
px_proc_stats_res Resident set size memory in bytes
px_proc_stats_cputime Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in user and kernel mode measured in clock ticks

px_cache stats

Name Description
px_px_cache_status Cache enabled (0=No,1=Yes)
px_px_cache_total_blocks Number of total blocks in the cache
px_px_cache_used_blocks Number of used blocks in the cache
px_px_cache_dirty_blocks Number of dirty blocks in the cache
px_px_cache_read_hits Number of read hits for the cache
px_px_cache_read_miss Number of read misses for the cache
px_px_cache_write_hits Number of write hits for the cache
px_px_cache_write_miss Number of write misses for the cache
px_px_cache_block_size Block size for the cache
px_px_cache_mode Mode of the cache
px_px_cache_migrate_promote Number of blocks promoted to the cache
px_px_cache_migrate_demote Number of block demoted from the cache
px_px_cache_io_mbps Approx cache bandwidth from cache internal actions

rebalance stats

Name Description
px_rebalance_rebalance_job_state Rebalance job state (0 = pending, 1 = running, 2 = done, 3 = paused, 4 = cancelled)
px_rebalance_provision_space_rebalanced_bytes_total Total provisioned space rebalanced (only counts add (since remove has equal value as add))
px_rebalance_used_space_rebalanced_bytes_total Total used space rebalanced (only counts add (since remove has equal value as add))
px_rebalance_volumes_rebalanced_total Total volumes affected by rebalance operation
px_rebalance_overloaded_pools_total Number of overloaded pools

volume stats

Name Description
px_volume_usage_bytes Used storage space in bytes for this volume
px_volume_capacity_bytes Configured size in bytes for this volume
px_volume_halevel Configured HA level for this volume
px_volume_currhalevel Current HA level for this volume
px_volume_iopriority Configured IO priority for this volume
px_volume_elapsed_time_since_detached_seconds Seconds elapsed since the volume is detached
px_volume_elapsed_time_since_attached_seconds Seconds elapsed since the volume is attached
px_volume_attached Attached state for this volume (0=detached,1=attached)
px_volume_status Status for this volume (https://libopenstorage.github.io/w/master.generated-api.html#volumestatus)
px_volume_state State for this volume (https://libopenstorage.github.io/w/master.generated-api.html#volumestate)
px_volume_attached_state Attached state for this volume (valid only if volume is attached) (https://libopenstorage.github.io/w/master.generated-api.html#attachstate)
px_volume_fs_health_status Filesystem health status for this volume (https://libopenstorage.github.io/w/master.generated-api.html#filesystemhealthstatus)
px_volume_replication_status Replication Status for this volume (0 : up, 1 : not in quorum, 2 : resync state, 3 : degraded, 4 : detached, 5 : restore)
px_volume_fs_usage_bytes Used storage space in bytes as reported by the filesystem for this volume
px_volume_fs_capacity_bytes Total storage space in bytes as reported by the filesystem for this volume
px_volume_vol_read_bytes Number of successfully read bytes during this interval for this volume. Deprecated.
px_volume_vol_written_bytes Number of successfully written bytes during this interval for this volume. Deprecated.
px_volume_vol_reads Number of successfully completed read operations during this interval for this volume. Deprecated.
px_volume_vol_writes Number of successfully completed write operations during this interval for this volume. Deprecated.
px_volume_read_bytes Number of successfully read bytes during this interval for this volume
px_volume_written_bytes Number of successfully written bytes during this interval for this volume
px_volume_reads Number of successfully completed read operations during this interval for this volume
px_volume_writes Number of successfully completed write operations during this interval for this volume
px_volume_read_bytes_total Total number of successfully read bytes for this volume
px_volume_written_bytes_total Total number of successfully written bytes for this volume
px_volume_reads_total Total number of successfully completed read operations for this volume
px_volume_writes_total Total number of successfully completed write operations for this volume
px_volume_iops Number of successful completed I/O operations per second during this interval for this volume
px_volume_write_iops Average number of completed write operations per second for this volume
px_volume_read_iops Average number of completed read operations per second for this volume
px_volume_vol_num_sequential_writes Number of sequential write I/O operations during this interval for this volume
px_volume_vol_num_sequential_reads Number of sequential read I/O operations during this interval for this volume
px_volume_vol_num_random_writes Number of random write I/O operations during this interval for this volume
px_volume_vol_num_random_reads Number of random read I/O operations during this interval for this volume
px_volume_depth_io Number of I/O operations currently in progress for this volume
px_volume_readthroughput Number of bytes read per second during this interval for this volume
px_volume_writethroughput Number of bytes written per second during this interval for this volume
px_volume_vol_bytes_reclaimed Number of bytes reclaimed by fstrim operation
px_volume_vol_bytes_reclaimable Number of bytes reclaimable on the volume as seen by fstrim operation
px_volume_vol_read_latency_seconds Average time spent per successfully completed read operation in seconds during this interval for this volume. Deprecated.
px_volume_vol_write_latency_seconds Average time spent per successfully completed write operation in seconds during this interval for this volume. Deprecated.
px_volume_read_latency_seconds Average time spent per successfully completed read operation in seconds for this volume
px_volume_write_latency_seconds Average time spent per successfully completed write operation in seconds for this volume
px_volume_num_long_reads Number of long reads for this volume
px_volume_num_long_writes Number of long writes for this volume
px_volume_num_long_flushes Number of long flushes for this volume
px_volume_num_db_flushes Number of DB flushes for this volume
px_volume_replica_read_bytes_total Total number of successfully read bytes for this replica volume
px_volume_replica_written_bytes_total Total number of successfully written bytes for this replica volume
px_volume_replica_reads_total Total number of successfully completed read operations for this replica volume
px_volume_replica_writes_total Total number of successfully completed write operations for this replica volume
px_volume_replica_flushes_total Total number of successfully completed flush operations for this replica volume
px_volume_replica_read_ms_total Total time spent doing read operations in milliseconds for this replica volume
px_volume_replica_write_ms_total Total time doing write operations in milliseconds for this replica volume
px_volume_replica_flush_ms_total Total time doing write operations in milliseconds for this replica volume
px_volume_dev_depth_io Number of I/O operations currently in progress as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_writethroughput Number of successfully written bytes per second as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_readthroughput Number of successfully read bytes per second as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_read_latency_seconds Average time spent per successfully completed read in seconds as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_write_latency_seconds Average time spent per successfully completed write in seconds as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_read_bytes_total Total number of successfully read bytes as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_written_bytes_total Number of successfully written bytes as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_reads_total Total number of successfully completed read operations as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_writes_total Total number of successfully completed write operations as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_read_seconds_total Total time spend reading in seconds for this disk as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_dev_write_seconds_total Total time spend writing in seconds for this disk as reported by the kernel pxd device for this volume
px_volume_unique_blocks Size(in bytes) of unique blocks for this volume
px_volume_timestamp_records Number of timestamp records accumulated
px_volume_timestamp_records_per_node Number of timestamp records accumulated for a node
px_volume_num_discard_ops Number of discard operations for this volume
px_volume_discarded_bytes Number of discarded bytes for this volume

Last edited: Tuesday, May 9, 2023