Scheduled snapshots


Stork version

Stork version 2.2 or above is required.

Configuring cloud secrets

To create cloud snapshots, one needs to setup secrets with Portworx which will get used to connect and authenticate with the configured cloud provider.

Follow instructions on the create and configure credentials section to setup secrets.


NOTE: The examples below use the kube-system namespace, you should update this to the correct namespace for your environment.

Perform the following steps to download storkctl from the Stork pod:

  • Linux:

    STORK_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n <namespace> -l name=stork -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') &&
    kubectl cp -n <namespace> $STORK_POD:/storkctl/linux/storkctl ./storkctl
    sudo mv storkctl /usr/local/bin &&
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/storkctl
  • OS X:

    STORK_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n <namespace> -l name=stork -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') &&
    kubectl cp -n <namespace> $STORK_POD:/storkctl/darwin/storkctl ./storkctl
    sudo mv storkctl /usr/local/bin &&
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/storkctl
  • Windows:

    1. Copy storkctl.exe from the stork pod:

      STORK_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n <namespace> -l name=stork -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') &&
      kubectl cp -n <namespace> $STORK_POD:/storkctl/windows/storkctl.exe ./storkctl.exe
    2. Move storkctl.exe to a directory in your PATH.

Create a schedule policy

You can use a schedule policy to specify when Portworx should trigger a specific action.

  1. Create a file named daily-policy.yaml, specifying the following fields and values:

    • apiVersion: with the version of the Stork scheduler (this example uses
    • kind: with the SchedulePolicy value
    • with the name of the SchedulePolicy object (this example uses daily)
    • policy.daily.time: with the backup time (this example uses “10:14PM”)
    • policy.retain: with the number of backups Portworx must retain (this example retains 3 backups)

       kind: SchedulePolicy
         name: daily
           time: "10:14PM"
           retain: 3

    For more details about how you can configure aschedule policy, see the Schedule Policy reference page.

  2. Apply the spec:

    kubectl apply -f daily-policy.yaml created
  3. You can check the status of your schedule policy by entering the storkctl get schedulepolicy command:

    storkctl get schedulepolicy
    daily     N/A                10:14PM   N/A                N/A

Associate a schedule policy with a StorageClass or a Volume

The following sections show how you can associate a schedule policy either with a Volume or a StorageClass.

NOTE: If you associate a schedule policy with a storage class, then you cannot use Stork to manage that schedule policy.

Create a VolumeSnapshotSchedule

Use a VolumeSnapshotSchedule to associate your schedule policy at the CRD level, and back up specific volumes according to a schedule you define.

  1. Create a file called volume-snapshot-schedule.yaml specifying the following fields and values:

    • metadata:
      • name: with the name of this VolumeSnapshotSchedule policy
      • namespace: the namespace in which this policy will exist
      • annotations:
        • portworx/snapshot-type: with the cloud or local value, depending on what environment you want store your snapshots in
        • portworx/cloud-cred-id: with your cloud environment credentials
        • with other namespaces snapshots taken with this policy can restore to
    • spec:

      • schedulePolicyName: with the name of the schedule policy you defined in the steps above
      • suspend: with a boolean value specifying if the schedule should be in a suspended state
      • preExecRule: with the name of a rule to run before taking the snapshot
      • postExecRule: with the name of a rule to run after taking the snapshot
      • reclaimPolicy: with retain or delete, indicating what Portworx should do with the snapshots that were created using the schedule. Specifying the delete value deletes the snapshots created by this schedule when the schedule is deleted.
      • template.spec.persistentVolumeClaimName: with the PVC you want this policy to apply to

        kind: VolumeSnapshotSchedule
          name: mysql-snapshot-schedule
          namespace: mysql
            portworx/snapshot-type: cloud
            portworx/cloud-cred-id: <cred_id>
          schedulePolicyName: testpolicy
          suspend: false
          reclaimPolicy: Delete
          preExecRule: testRule
          postExecRule: otherTestRule
              persistentVolumeClaimName: mysql-data
  2. Apply the spec:

    kubectl apply -f volume-snapshot-schedule.yaml

Create a storage class

Use a StorageClass to apply your schedule policy to all PVCs using that StorageClass.

  1. Create a file called sc-with-snap-schedule.yaml with the following content:

    kind: StorageClass
        name: px-sc-with-snap-schedules
      repl: "2" |
        schedulePolicyName: daily
          portworx/snapshot-type: local |
        schedulePolicyName: weekly
          portworx/snapshot-type: cloud
          portworx/cloud-cred-id: <credential-uuid>

    NOTE: This example references two schedules:

    • The default-schedule backs up volumes to the local Portworx cluster daily.
    • The weekly-schedule backs up volumes to cloud storage every week.
  2. Apply the spec:

    kubectl apply -f

Specifying the cloud credential to use

Specifying the portworx/cloud-cred-id is required only if you have more than one cloud credentials configured. If you have a single one, by default, that credential is used.

Let’s list all the available cloud credentials we have.

PX_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l name=portworx -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec $PX_POD -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl credentials list

The above command will output the credentials required to authenticate/access the objectstore. Pick the one you want to use for this snapshot schedule and specify it in the portworx/cloud-cred-id annotation in the StorageClass.

Next, let’s apply our newly created storage class:

kubectl apply -f sc-with-snap-schedule.yaml created

Create a PVC

After we’ve created the new StorageClass, we can refer to it by name in our PVCs like this:

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: pvc-snap-schedules-demo
  annotations: px-sc-with-snap-schedules
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 2Gi

Paste the listing from above into a file named pvc-snap-schedules-demo.yaml and run:

kubectl create -f pvc-snap-schedules-demo.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-snap-schedules-demo created

Let’s see our PVC:

kubectl get pvc
NAME                      STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                AGE
pvc-snap-schedules-demo   Bound    pvc-3491fc8a-6222-11e9-89a9-080027ee1df7   2Gi        RWO            px-sc-with-snap-schedules   14s

The above output shows that a volume named pvc-3491fc8a-6222-11e9-89a9-080027ee1df7 was automatically created and is now bounded to our PVC.

We’re all set!

Checking snapshots

Verifying snapshot schedules

First let’s verify that the snapshot schedules are created correctly.

storkctl get volumesnapshotschedules
NAME                                       PVC                       POLICYNAME   PRE-EXEC-RULE   POST-EXEC-RULE   RECLAIM-POLICY   SUSPEND   LAST-SUCCESS-TIME
pvc-snap-schedules-demo-default-schedule   pvc-snap-schedules-demo   daily                                         Retain           false
pvc-snap-schedules-demo-weekly-schedule    pvc-snap-schedules-demo   weekly                                        Retain           false

Here we can see 2 snapshot schedules, one daily and one weekly.

Verifying snapshots

Now that we’ve put everything in place, we would want to verify that our cloudsnaps are created.

Using storkctl

Also, you can use storkctl to make sure that the snapshots are created by running:

storkctl get volumesnapshots
NAME                                                                  PVC                       STATUS    CREATED               COMPLETED             TYPE
pvc-snap-schedules-demo-default-schedule-interval-2019-03-27-015546   pvc-snap-schedules-demo   Ready     26 Mar 19 21:55 EDT   26 Mar 19 21:55 EDT   local
pvc-snap-schedules-demo-weekly-schedule-interval-2019-03-27-015546    pvc-snap-schedules-demo   Ready     26 Mar 19 21:55 EDT   26 Mar 19 21:55 EDT   cloud

Last edited: Tuesday, May 9, 2023