pxctl clouddrive

pxctl clouddrive

 pxctl clouddrive


Manage cloud drives

pxctl clouddrive list

 pxctl clouddrive list


List all the cloud drives currently being used

pxctl clouddrive list-drives

 pxctl clouddrive list-drives


List all the cloud drives currently being used


Flag Description

--selector, -l (str)

Selector (label query) to filter on. Supports '='.(e.g. -l key1=value1)

pxctl clouddrive inspect

 pxctl clouddrive inspect


Inspect and view all the drives of a DriveSet


Flag Description

--node (str)

Node ID of the DriveSet to inspect.

Required: true

pxctl clouddrive update-labels

 pxctl clouddrive update-labels


Updates the labels on the drive set for the provided node.


Flag Description

--node, -n (str)

ID of the node who owns the drive set.

Required: true

--labels, -l (str)

Comma separated list of key value pairs in the <key1>=<value1>,<key2>=<value2> format. If not provided sets empty labels.

pxctl clouddrive transfer

 pxctl clouddrive transfer


Transfers the cloud drive set from given source node to a destination node

pxctl clouddrive transfer submit

 pxctl clouddrive transfer submit


Submit a new job to transfer a cloud drive set


Flag Description

--src, -s (str)

ID of the PX node who currently owns the drive set. This is the 'NodeID' displayed in the output of the 'pxctl clouddrive list' command.

Required: true

--dest, -d (str)

ID of the instance who should own the drive set. This is the 'InstanceID' displayed in the output of the 'pxctl clouddrive list' command. The destination instance needs to be a storage less node (with no Drive IDs) and in the same zone (if your cluster has zones). This is optional and if not provided, an online storageless node will be used.

pxctl clouddrive transfer list

 pxctl clouddrive transfer list


Lists cloud drive transfer jobs in the system

pxctl clouddrive transfer status

 pxctl clouddrive transfer status


Status of a cloud drive transfer job


Flag Description

--job-id, -i (str)

Required: true