pxctl cluster

pxctl cluster

 pxctl cluster


Manage the cluster

pxctl cluster list

 pxctl cluster list


List nodes in the cluster

pxctl cluster inspect

 pxctl cluster inspect


Inspect a node

pxctl cluster delete

 pxctl cluster delete <required-argument>


Delete a node


/opt/pwx/bin/pxctl cluster delete [flags] nodeID


Flag Description

--force, -f (bool)

Forcibly remove node, which may cause volumes to be irrevocably deleted

pxctl cluster domains

 pxctl cluster domains


A set of commands to manage Portworx Cluster Domains

pxctl cluster domains show

 pxctl cluster domains show


Lists all cluster domains

pxctl cluster domains activate

 pxctl cluster domains activate


Activates the provided cluster domain


Flag Description

--name (str)

name of the domain to activate

Required: true

pxctl cluster domains deactivate

 pxctl cluster domains deactivate


Deactivates the provided cluster domain


Flag Description

--name (str)

name of the domain to activate

Required: true

pxctl cluster provision-status

 pxctl cluster provision-status


Show cluster provision status


Flag Description

--io_priority (str)

IO Priority

Default value: low

--show-labels (bool)

Show all labels

pxctl cluster token

 pxctl cluster token


Manage cluster authentication token

pxctl cluster token show

 pxctl cluster token show


Display current authentication token


Flag Description

--reset, -r (bool)

Reset token if already present

pxctl cluster token reset

 pxctl cluster token reset


Reset token if already present

pxctl cluster pair

 pxctl cluster pair


Manage Portworx cluster pairs

pxctl cluster pair create

 pxctl cluster pair create


Pair this cluster with another Portworx cluster


Flag Description

--ip, -i (str)

IP address of the remote cluster

Required: true

--remote-port, -p (uint)

Port of the remote cluster

Default value: 9001

--token, -t (str)

Authentication token from the remote cluster

Required: true

--default, -d (bool)

Set as the default cluster pair

--dr-mode (bool)

Enable DR mode for the cluster pair

pxctl cluster pair delete

 pxctl cluster pair delete


Delete a cluster pair


Flag Description

--id, -i (str)

ID of the remote cluster

Required: true

pxctl cluster pair list

 pxctl cluster pair list


List the cluster pairs

pxctl cluster pair validate

 pxctl cluster pair validate


Validate a cluster pair


Flag Description

--id, -i (str)

ID of the remote cluster

Required: true

pxctl cluster options

 pxctl cluster options


List and update cluster wide options

pxctl cluster options list

 pxctl cluster options list


List cluster wide options

pxctl cluster options update

 pxctl cluster options update


Update cluster wide options


Flag Description

--auto-decommission-timeout (uint)

Timeout (in minutes) after which storage-less nodes will be automatically decommissioned. Timeout cannot be set to zero.

Default value: 20

--license-expiry-check (uint)

Number of `days` to raise alert before license expires. Set to zero to disable alerts.

Default value: 7

--license-expiry-check-interval (str)

Interval for license expiry checks. Valid only if 'license-expiry-check' is defined.

Default value: 6h

--resync-repl-add (str)

Enable or disable repl-add based resync

--internal-snapshot-interval (uint)

Interval (in minutes) after which internal snapshots are rotated

Default value: 30

--default-rpc-timeout (int)

Default RPC timeout (in minutes) for all client communications

Default value: 5

--repl-move-timeout (uint)

Timeout (in minutes) after which offline replicas will be moved to available nodes. Set timeout to zero to disable replica move.

Default value: 1440

--re-add-wait-timeout (uint)

Timeout (in minutes) after which re-add will abort and new replication node is added instead. Set timeout to zero to disable replica move.

Default value: 1440

--repl-move-timestamp-records-threshold (uint)

Timestamp record threshold after which offline replicas will be moved to available nodes. Set threshold to zero to disable replica move.

Default value: 134217728

--domain-policy (str)

Domain policy for domains

Default value: strict

--metro-dr-domain-protection (str)

Enable or disable Metro DR domain protection

Default value: true

--optimized-restores (str)

Enable or disable optimized restores

--sm-abort-timeout-seconds (uint)

Timeout in seconds for sm abort. Use with caution.

Default value: 1200

--cloudsnap-abort-timeout-minutes (uint)

Timeout in minutes for stalled cloudsnap abort. Should be => 10 minutes

Default value: 10

--cloudsnap-cleanup-failed-hours (uint)

Time in hours after which the failed cloudsnaps are deleted for a configured credential. 0 disables deleting failed cloudsnaps

--cloudsnap-max-threads (uint)

Number of cloudsnap threads doing concurrent uploads/downloads. Valid values >= 2 and <= 16, others automatically rounded

Default value: 16

--cloudsnap-catalog (str)

Enable or disable cloudsnap catalog collection

--cloudsnap-min-period-sched-interval (uint)

Allowed minimum for periodic interval (in minutes) for scheduled cloudsnaps. Should be => 5 minutes

Default value: 15

--cloudsnap-err-retry-limit (uint)

Retry limit on error for cloudsnap operations with objectstore.

Default value: 3

--uniqueblocks-size-sched-interval-minutes (uint)

Configure periodic interval (in minutes) to query unique blocks size for volumes.

Default value: 720

--io-profile-derive-interval-minutes (uint)

Configure periodic interval (in minutes) to compute the IO profile for volume. Only applies to volumes with \"auto\" IO profile.

--disable-provisioning-labels (str)

Semi-colon separate string of labels, example 'node=uuid1,uuid2;io_priority=high'. Use '' to reset to default.

--provisioning-commit-labels (str)

Json, example of global rule followed by node specific and pool specific rule: '[{'OverCommitPercent': 200, 'SnapReservePercent': 30},{'OverCommitPercent': 50, 'SnapReservePercent':30, 'LabelSelector':{'node':'node-1,node-2', 'poolLabel':'poolValue'},]'. Use '[]' to reset to default.

--free-space-threshold-gb (uint)

Minimum pool free space for pool to be online

Default value: 100

--sharedv4-threads (uint)

Number of sharedv4 threads. This will affect sharedv4 volume performance as well as the amount of CPU and memory consumed for handling sharedv4 volumes.

Default value: 16

--sharedv4-mount-timeout-sec (uint)

Timeout in seconds for sharedv4 (NFS) mount commands.

Default value: 120

--px-http-proxy (str)

proxy to be used by cloudsnap (setting not required if using PX_HTTP_PROXY/PX_HTTPS_PROXY env. variables)

--cloudsnap-nw-interface (str)

network interface name used by cloudsnaps(data, mgmt, eth0, etc)

--disabled-temporary-kvdb-loss-support (str)

Enable or disable temporary kvdb loss support

--runtime-options (str)

Comma seprated key value pairs for runtime options

--runtime-options-action (str)

Specify type of action for runtime options

Default value: update-global

--runtime-options-selector (str)

Comma seprated key value labels for node specific runtime options.

--snapshot-schedule-option (str)

for detached volumes none will not generate schedule snapshots, optimized will generated one, always will generate them always

Default value: optimized

--concurrent-api-limit (uint)

Maximum number of concurrent api invocations allowed

Default value: 20

--cache-flush (str)

Enable periodic cache flush

Default value: disabled

--cache-flush-seconds (uint)

Interval at which cache flush would be performed.

Default value: 30

--poolcache (str)

Disable, or enable with a minimum and maximum dirty block percentage in cache. (Valid Range: [10 90]). e.g. on,33,67

--volume-expiration-minutes (uint)

Expiration (in minutes) is the time the volume stays in trashcan before being purged.

--cloudsnap-full-backup-frequency, -b (uint)

Sets the full backup frequency.

Default value: 7

--cloudsnap-using-metadata-enabled (str)

Enable cloudsnap using metadata optimization

Default value: true

--cloudsnap-metadata-upload-percent-limit (uint)

Do not use cloudsnap using metadata optimization if metadata size is over this limit in percent with respect to upload size. Value set to 0 disables this check.

Default value: 15

--cloudsnap-metadata-upload-mb-bytes-limit (uint)

Do not use cloudsnap using metadata optimization if metadata size is over this limit in size in mebibytes. Value set to 0 disables this check.

Default value: 10240

--lttng-cmd (str)

Lttng command to execute

--lttng-disk-usage (uint)

Amount of disk space (GB) to be utilized by lttng trace files. Greater than 0 enables traces and 0 disables it

--fstrim-max-io-rate (str)

Maximum throughput (KiB, MiB or GiB) at which fstrim would free blocks to backing store, in each interval.

Default value: 1GB

--lttng-log-level (str)

Lttng loglevel setting

Default value: unset

--fstrim-min-io-rate (str)

Minimum throughput (MiB or GiB) at which fstrim would free blocks to backing store, in each interval.

Default value: 1MiB

--fstrim-watermark-low (int)

Low latency watermark for fstrim

Default value: 20

--fstrim-watermark-high (int)

High latency watermark for fstrim

Default value: 40

--max-replicas-per-node (uint)

Maximum number of replicas per node

Default value: 1024

--skinnysnap (str)

Enable/Disable SkinnySnaps. Allows snapshots to be created with lower number of replicas than the parent volume.

--skinnysnap-num-repls (int)

Skinnysnap Replication factor. If this value is same or greater than the volume replication level, number of snapshot replicas will be equal to the number of parent volume replicas.

Default value: 1

--skinnysnap-algorithm (str)

SkinnySnap node selection algorithm.

Default value: optimize_ha

--cloudsnap-network-limit-cluster (uint)

Cluster-wide average network bandwith usage limit in mebibytes per second, use 0 to disable this limit

--cloudsnap-network-limit-node (uint)

Per node average network bandwith usage limit in mebibytes per second, use 0 to not consider this limit

--relaxedreclaim-delete-seconds (uint)

The number of seconds to wait before deleting the volume/snapshot staged in RelaxedReclaim queue. Set to zero to disable RelaxedReclaim.

--relaxedreclaim-max-pending (uint)

Maximum number of volumes/snapshots that can be staged for RelaxedReclaim.

Default value: 256

--auto-fstrim (str)

Enable/Disable automatic fstrim

--fstrim-io-rate (uint)

Maximum throughput (in MBytes) at which fstrim would free blocks to backing store, in each interval(fstrim-io-rate-interval). Minimum is 10MB

Default value: 100

--fstrim-io-rate-interval (uint)

Internal(in seconds) associated with the fstrim-io-rate(MB) is freed to backing store. Minimum 1 second.

Default value: 1